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    动画名称:HB kids英语故事儿歌
    动画语言:英文发音 英文字幕
    动画类型:儿歌 / 早教益智

    HB kids英语故事儿歌动画简介

    《HB Kids英语故事儿歌》是一个循序渐进、全面系统的英语教学系列。包含英语歌曲、英语故事、真人教学、单词学习等多个模块,并且在全部90集内容中,每15集为一个阶段,共6大阶段,单词量和句子复杂程度逐级提高。在潜移默化中帮助宝宝提升英语水平,阶段性教学更有助于让宝宝自发性的主动学习,并逐步强化学习能力。


    HB kids英语故事儿歌动画全90集目录

    01.My family is sleeping 31. My Day 61.Under the Sea
    02.My Baby Brother 32. What Day Is It 62.The Life of Salmon mp4
    03.Family Vacation 33. What Time Is It 63.Beach Fun
    04.Hide-and-seek 34. The Four Seasons 64.Lands of the Earth
    05.Look at My Picture 35. The Balloon Ride 65.Mountain Life
    06.Long and Short 36. I Like Today’s Weather 66.Thirsty Lizzy
    07.Kids_ Fashion Show 37. My Secret Friend, Sally 67.What Is in the Clouds
    08.Getting Dressed 38. A Snowy Day 68.Where Is Rain From
    09.Too Big, Too Small 39. My Baby 69.Air Sports
    10.Ten Skiers in a Row 40. The First Day of School 70.Earth and Space
    11.Shape Galaxy 41. Puppy Feelings 71.The Solar System
    12.Color Magic 42. The Jealous Boy 72.The First Man on the Moon
    13.Do you see Missy 43. The Birthday Wish 73.A Day without Machine
    14.Good Morning, Farmer Bob! 44. The Dinner Party 74.Bill’s Robot
    15.Animal Circus 45. Party Manners 75.Trip to the Future
    16.The Toy Store 46.Thank you 76.A sport for Amy
    17. Christmas 47.My new friend 77.How can I get first place
    18. Living Toys 48.School rules 78.What sport uses these things
    19. Fat Jake 49.Getting a shot 79.I wonder what it is
    20. Baking a Cake 50.Jay goes to the doctor 80.Sing in a chorus
    21. Grandma_s Kimchi 51.Mom is sick 81.Sounds around us
    22. The Missing Belly Button 52.Welcome to funland 82.Saving money
    23. Building a House 53.The roller coaster ride 83.The history of money
    24. Where do you live 54.I love these games! 84.I can find it!
    25. Wagon Race 55.Trading 85.Incredible Structures
    26. Town People 56.The birthday present 86.Greetings from around the world
    27. Kid Town 57.Pants for a giant 87.Festivals of the world
    28. Fido_s Adventure 58.Travel the world 88.Junktown and ecotown
    29. Ten clowns in a car 59.Island trip 89.The magic recycling box
    30. The Lazy Bird 60.Dad, what are you doing 90.A letter from the earth

    0 评论

    1. 必须说一句,这个教程我找了1个月了。。。 皮卡布早教真是一个好地方哦,完美不错

    2. 我家娃儿相当大爱这个了,终于找到了 好,很好,非常好!?

    3. 很心水,感谢同享,3Q分享,很全了,谢谢楼主!

    4. 好多动画学习资源哈~

    5. 第一次看到这部高清视频,从介绍来看应该很出色啊,下载来给孩子看看

    6. 挺好的,我家娃儿心仪这个

    7. 还好非常好用,不错的学习资源

    8. 第一次看到这部视频,从介绍来看应该很精华啊,下载来给孩子看看
