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    资源名称:Around the World in 80 Days


    本资源是Little fox英语分级动画片《Around the World in 80 Days 八十天环游地球》的资源下载,包含动画29集(mp4高清720p)、音频29集(MP3)、绘本29册(PDF)、测试、单词表,资源总大小共1.67G,百度云网盘下载,本资源难度AR5.2等级,适合11-15岁的青少年儿童观看。

    《Around the World in 80 Days 八十天环游地球》改编自法国作家儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne)的经典小说《环游世界80天》。主人公是一位叫斐利亚·福克(Phileas Fogg)的英国绅士,他打赌说自己可以在80天之内环绕地球。福克可以应对各种阻碍和突发情况吗?他可以准时到家,赢得他的打赌吗?

    动画片《Around the World in 80 Days 八十天环游地球》由Little Fox出品,艾特早教论坛最大程度还原经典,梳理并保留核心故事线,一集讲述一个故事,精选孩子感兴趣的内容,用简单易理解句子将内容重新进行包装,保证故事的原汁原味。动画基调轻松活泼,人物形象刻画生动。有足智多谋的福格,有能说好动的法国仆人,有将福格当成银行盗窃嫌疑犯从而全程跟踪捣乱的警探菲克斯,还有善解人心的美丽女性爱乌达。在一系列人为险阻和突发状况面前,大家从怀疑到信任,从拆台到合作,让孩子在看的过程中感受智慧、忠诚、友情、互助等美德。故事充满想象力,情节紧凑,跌宕起伏,或冒险、或奇幻、或神秘,牢牢吸引孩子的注意力,拓展他们的想象力。通过这部动画,孩子获得不仅仅是词汇量的增长,阅读能力的提升,还能从中学到不少世界地理知识,比如说各国地理分布,世界风土人情,文化和历史沿革,国际日期变更线等等。


    001_Around the World in 80 Days 1_London, England, 1872
    002_Around the World in 80 Days 2_The Wager
    003_Around the World in 80 Days 3_The Journey Begins
    004_Around the World in 80 Days 4_At the Station
    005_Around the World in 80 Days 5_The Suez
    006_Around the World in 80 Days 6_Passports and Visas
    007_Around the World in 80 Days 7_The Mongolia
    008_Around the World in 80 Days 8_In Bombay
    009_Around the World in 80 Days 9_The End of the Line
    010_Around the World in 80 Days 10_To Allahabad
    011_Around the World in 80 Days 11_The Rescue
    012_Around the World in 80 Days 12_To Calcutta
    013_Around the World in 80 Days 13_Before the Judge
    014_Around the World in 80 Days 14_The Rangoon
    015_Around the World in 80 Days 15_To Hong Kong
    016_Around the World in 80 Days 16_In Hong Kong
    017_Around the World in 80 Days 17_In Search of a Ship
    018_Around the World in 80 Days 18_The Tankadere
    019_Around the World in 80 Days 19_Passepartouts Adventures
    020_Around the World in 80 Days 20_The Circus
    021_Around the World in 80 Days 21_To San Francisco
    022_Around the World in 80 Days 22_The Train to New York
    023_Around the World in 80 Days 23_The Duel
    024_Around the World in 80 Days 24_The Rescue
    025_Around the World in 80 Days 25_To Omaha
    026_Around the World in 80 Days 26_Across the Atlantic
    027_Around the World in 80 Days 27_Captain Fogg
    028_Around the World in 80 Days 28_At Home in London
    029_Around the World in 80 Days 29_The Wager Won


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